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Year 9/12

Year 9-12

Criteria for Admission

The Board of Governors delegates to an Admissions Panel, comprising of the Principal and 2 VPs, the application of the admissions criteria to Years 9 to 12. The school will only consider applications for a place commencing at the beginning of the academic year.


Admissions to Years 9,10,11 and 12 will be within the limit set by the school. This cannot exceed the overall enrolment number agreed with the Department of Education or the limit on numbers in science classes in years 9,10,11 and 12. Candidates who wish to transfer into Years 9,10,11 and 12 should complete an online application form which can be found in the admissions pages on the school website: www.stpatricksacademy.org Applications received after the closing date, 17th May 2024, will not be considered.


Candidates are required to provide a copy of their most recent school report by 17th May 2024. The first criterion for entry to St Patrick’s Academy is academic ability. Those seeking admission will be asked to show that they have the capacity to cope with the academic demands of a grammar school. Candidates will come into school for an Assessment Day in June 2024.

  • All candidates will be given a Mathematics test
  • All candidates will be given an English test
  • All candidates who wish to enter Years 10 and 11 may be given a science test
  • All candidates who wish to enter Years 10 and 11 may be given a Modern Language Speaking, Listening and Written test
  • All candidates may be interviewed by members of the Admissions Panel
  • The admissions panel will decide whether the candidate should be considered for admission on the basis that he or she falls within the ability range of other pupils in that year
  • A rank order of candidates will be drawn up and places offered, where vacancies are identified

For candidates with a Special Educational Need, parents should make the school aware by completing the relevant section of the online form referred to in point 6.4. This should be verified by supporting documents and provided by the 17th May 2024 deadline. Extra time may be allowed for the Mathematics and English tests.


Transfer to Year 12, the year of the principal public examinations, is unlikely to be considered.


St Patrick’s Academy reserves the right to contact the candidate’s present school for a reference before a place is offered. Should a place become available after 1st September 2024, the school will retain the list of applicants in ranked order and this list will be used as a waiting list by the school to determine which child or children can be admitted up to the school’s Admissions Assessment Day in June 2025. (Please refer to the school’s waiting list policy).


Apply here:  The application process for September 2024 has now closed