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Key Contacts

Staff Members

Contact can be made with the member of staff relevant to your enquiry by email, telephone or in writing. When making contact via email, please reference the relevant staff member in the subject line.


Email: info@stpatricksacademy.dungannon.ni.sch.uk

Telephone: 028 87 727 400

  • Mrs F McIlvanna, Senior Leader

  • Mr Ronan Campbell (Vice-Principal KS3)
  • Mrs Katharine Mullin (Senior Teacher)
  • Head of Year 8: Mrs L Barker
  • Head of Year 9: Miss R Donnelly
  • Head of Year 10: Mrs C Bell

  • Mr M Fahy (Vice Principal KS4)
  • Mrs S Donnelly (Senior Teacher)
  • Head of Year 11: Mrs Patricia Donaghy
  • Head of Year 12:  Mrs Ciara Connolly

  • Mrs Evelyn Black (Vice-Principal Sixth Form)
  • Mrs Helen Guilfoyle (Senior Teacher)
  • Head of Year 13: Mr P Ferran
  • Head of Year 14: Mr J Slater.

  • Mrs K Boyle, (Assistant Senior Teacher), coordinates support for pupils and monitors pupil welfare, including punctuality and attendance
  • Attendance Secretary – Mrs J Antoniak. To report an absence, phone the school on 028 87727400 and selection option: ‘A’

  • Mrs M Conway – Special Educational Needs Coordinator
  • Miss P Donaghy – Assistant Special Educational Needs Coordinator
  • Mrs M Barnard – Student Support Administrative Officer

School Counselling Service

Holistic Development

Our school has a long tradition of providing for the holistic development of our students. Part of this is to provide access to independent, confidential counselling for young people at times of crisis, decision-making and significant change. The overall aim of such provision is to support young people’s empowerment in taking responsibility for positive action in their lives.


The counselling service is independent, confidential, young-person-centred and informal. A counsellor visits the school weekly and, with their consent, students are seen via an appointment service. The service is non-judgemental and seeks to help young people to help themselves towards a better understanding of their relationships and of their environment. Students have the opportunity to email the counsellor if they wish: arttherapyworks@me.com

  • Mrs C Curran (School Nurse)
  • Mrs M Martin (Principal’s Personal Assistant):
    • Any concerns parents may have about the health and safety of their children while in our care may be directed to the principal through Mrs M Martin.

  • Mrs A Farrell, (Senior Teacher) Examination Officer
  • Mrs S Holmes, Examinations Secretary

  • Mrs J Quinn- School Business Manager

  • Mr Darren Mulgrew – Enquiries relating to bus passes and any other issues arising from travelling to and from school by bus.

  • Mrs Stella McCarthy (Publicity)

  • Mrs M Martin (Principal’s Secretary)