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English as a subject is unique in that its borders are so wide. Our interests cover both traditional Literature and all forms of media; likewise we are as concerned with the teaching of grammatically correct Standard English through learning about the history of the language and the origins of its dialects at home and abroad. Similarly, it is hard to say where the classroom stops and where extra-curricular activity begins. The lesson-time mock trials lead on to the Bar National Mock Trial competition; the winners of the annual KS3 public speaking competition go on to achieve great success in local and national competitions; the teaching of a play is often accompanied by seeing it performed in, for instance, Armagh or Belfast.



  • HOD: Mrs L O’Neill
  • Ass HOD: Mrs A Cassidy
  • Mr M Shields
  • Miss D Nugent
  • Mrs M Dennehy
  • Mr M Clements
  • Mrs A Mitchell
  • Mrs N Hall
  • Mr M Quinn


English Language


Unit 1 -Writing for purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non-fiction and Media Texts

Unit 2 – Speaking and Listening

Unit 3, Task 2 – Studying Written Language


Unit 4 – Personal or Creative Writing and Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts

Unit 2 – Speaking and Listening

Unit 3, Task 1 – Studying Spoken Language

English Literature


Unit 1 – The Study of Prose, Sections A (Novel) and B (Unseen Prose)

Unit 2, Section B – The Study of Poetry


Unit 2, Section A – The Study of Drama

Unit 2, Section B – The Study of Poetry (cont’d)

Unit 3 – The Study of Shakespeare


English Literature – CCEA

English Literature is one of the most rewarding A Level subjects you can take. Universally recognised as a core academic subject, it is held in very high esteem by all universities. Increasingly, universities are citing the skills developed from A Level English Literature as highly desirable skills in candidates applying for any degree course. Creativity, innovation and high levels of literacy are essential to a healthy economy; in this respect, an A Level in English Literature is to be highly recommended, not only for students studying other humanities A Levels, but for those choosing pathways that involve science and business too. Studying English Literature gives you the opportunity to explore an interesting and diverse range of literature, including poems, novels and plays. You will get to know the writing of particular authors in great detail and develop your passion for literature – passion that we hope will remain with you for the rest of your life. This kind of study affords a unique way of appreciating the power of the written word and the cultural history of our own and other countries. An English Literature A Level will equip you with skills that are readily transferable into many other areas and many university courses. It opens up an opportunity to access a wide variety of careers, such as law, publishing, teaching, TV, film and media, journalism, marketing, writing, advertising, public relations, and many others. Pupils who choose to study English Literature with us enjoy consistently high grades.