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The study of French develops and extends the students’ competence in each of the four skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.



  • HOD: Miss J Kelly
  • Mrs S Lloyd Evans
  • Mrs M O’Donnell
  • Miss N Patterson
  • Ms M McCorry


COURSE CONTENT: Pupils will study 3 contexts of learning over the two years of GCSE study:

Context 1: Identity, lifestyle and culture

Context 2: Local, National, International and Global areas of interest

Context 3: School life, studies and the world of work.

YEAR 11: Pupils will cover all three contexts and focus mainly on the skills of Reading and Listening. This will involve the consolidation and the extension of many topics covered at KS3 level such as family, leisure, shopping, new technologies, local area, the environment, home and daily routine, health, holidays, school life, part-time jobs, future career plans. Modular exams will be taken at the end of Year 11 in Reading and Listening and will each be worth 25% of the GCSE.

YEAR 12: Pupils will again study all three contexts and focus mainly on the skills of Speaking and Writing. Examinations in these skills will be sat at the end of the year and again, each will be worth 25%. This format is provisional and will be under review.

Pupils will be provided with a GCSE work booklet for each Context of Learning which will include all essential vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and speaking tasks. In addition, they will have copies of the GCSE text books for reading/ listening practice. As pupils are expected to write and communicate accurately in French they will be required to learn vocabulary and grammar on a regular basis and will be tested weekly on small sections. Past papers in reading and listening including the audio tracks will also be available to pupils and used or assessments.


AS and A2 French studies build on the knowledge and skills achieved at GCSE level. In addition to the 5 hours of French study each week there will be an additional hour with a French assistant in order to practice spoken French.


• different family structures,
• roles, responsibilities and relationships within families,
• challenges for families,
• intergenerational issues and
• influences on young people for example peers, family and friends.
Culture & Lifestyle:

• physical well-being for example diet and exercise,
• risk taking behaviour for example smoking, alcohol, drugs and extreme sports,
• dealing with stress and challenges for example school and examinations,
• hobbies and interests for example sport or music,
• the arts, film, fashion and design,
• social media and new technology and
• holidays, festivals and tourism