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Home Economics

Home Economics


This subject is studied through Years 8, 9 and 10.  Topics include: kitchen and food safety, nutrition, equipment; family life, nutrition in childhood, advertising, consumerism, anaemia, vegetarianism, cultural awareness, care of elderly and energy balance with regular practical lessons.

Home Economics


  • HOD: Mrs J Maguire
  • Miss R Donnelly
  • Miss E Rice
  • Miss P Donaghy
  • Mrs M Conway


What the subject is about:

GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition provides opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding and skills, necessary for providing healthy diets and apply these skills to real life contexts. This has implications on a personal level, but it is also provides good background knowledge, if a student is interested in pursuing work in a range of medical/health professions.


Year 11 – Energy and nutrients; Macronutrients / Micronutrients; Dietary fibre and water; Nutritional and dietary needs; Priority health issues.

Year 12 – Food provenance; Food processing and production; Being an effective consumer when shopping for food; Factors affecting food choice; Food safety; Resource management.


Nutrition and Food Science – CCEA

Nutrition and Food Science is currently high in the public’s perception and there could not be a better time to develop knowledge and understanding of the subject, given the current global and national food issues.
Through studying this revised specification, students will be encouraged to develop knowledge and understanding of:
• health and well-being;
• how to manage resources to meet an identified human need in a diverse and ever – changing society;
• the rapid technological changes and the growth of scientific knowledge and understanding
• how society impacts on health and well-being;
• issues affecting our food supply and how they impact upon the environment, and the ethical implications
• carrying out independent primary and secondary research.

AS Level:  Nutrition for Optimal Health;                                                                                                                                                   Priority Health Issues.

A2 Level:  Food Security and Sustainability;                                                                                                                                             Food Safety and Quality;                                                                                                                                                          Research Project.